"Placing or exchange"

Konfiguration der Ausrichtung/en


1. Menü und Symbolleiste

2. Konfiguration der Koordinatensysteme

2.1. Farbe und Größe

3. Konfiguration der Koordinatensysteme und Feedbacks

3.1. Allgemeine Konfiguration

3.2. Bibliothek Definition


1. Menü und Symbolleiste

Menü  Symbolleiste

Dialog Koordinatensysteme      Dialog Feedbacks

2. Konfiguration der Koordinatensysteme

2.1. Farbe und Größe















  Quelle                                                            Ziel












3. Konfiguration der Koordinatensysteme und Feedbacks

3.1. Allgemeine Konfiguration

 Hier können die folgende Standardwerte angepasst werden:

 - Darstellung der Ausrichtung: Koordinatensysteme oder Feedbacks

 - Farbe und Größe der Koordinaten Systeme

 - Die Zeit in Sekunden nach der die Alarmbildanzeige automatisch geschlossen wird



;; > Darstellung der Ausrichtung. Representation of the orientation.************************************************************************************
;; Wenn die Ausrichtungen als Koordinaten Systeme dargestellt werden, muss diese Variable auf T gesetzt werden.
;; If the orientations as coordinates systems are represented, this variable must be put on T.
;; Wenn die Ausrichtungen als Feedbacks dargestellt werden, muss diese Variable auf NIL gesetzt werden.
;; If the orientations as feedbacks are represented, this variable must be put on T
;;(setq *PEN_PlacExch_The-orientation-should-be-represented-by-coordinate-systems* NIL)
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_The-orientation-should-be-represented-by-coordinate-systems* T)
;; < Darstellung der Ausrichtung. Representation of the orientation. ***********************************************************************************
;; > Farbe und Groesse der Koordinaten Systeme. Color and size of the coordinates systems. *************************************************************
;; Color {FIXNUM}
;; 0 ;schwarz, black
;; 16777215 ;weis, white
;; 16711680 ;rot, red
;; 65280 ;grün, green
;; 255 ;blau, blue
;; 16776960 ;gelb, yellow
;; 65535 ;cyan, cyan
;; 16711935 ;magenta, magenta
;; RGB Color 3D normalized vector
;; 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;schwarz, black
;; 1.0,1.0,1.0 ;weis, white
;; 1.0,0.0,0.0 ;rot, red
;; 0.0,1.0,0.0 ;grün, green
;; 0.0,0.0,1.0 ;blau, blue
;; 1.0,1.0,0.0 ;gelb, yellow
;; 0.0,1.0,1.0 ;cyan, cyan
;; 1.0,0.0,1.0 ;magenta, magenta
;; > Farbe der Koordinaten Systeme als Ziel. Color of the coordinate systems as a target. --------------------------------------------------------------
;; default rot, red
;; gelb, yellow
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Coordinate-systems-as-target-orientation-rgb-color* (make-gpnt3d :x (/ 255 255) :y (/ 255 255) :z (/ 0 255)))
;; < Farbe der Koordinaten Systeme als Ziel. Color of the coordinate systems as a target. --------------------------------------------------------------
;; > Groesse der Koordinaten Systeme als Ziel. Size of the coordinate systems as a target. -------------------------------------------------------------
;; 20
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Coordinate-systems-as-target-orientation-size* 20)
;; < Groesse der Koordinaten Systeme als Ziel. Size of the coordinate systems as a target. -------------------------------------------------------------
;; > Farbe der Koordinaten Systeme als Quelle. Color of the coordinate systems as a source. ------------------------------------------------------------
;; default rot, red
;; grün, green
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Coordinate-systems-as-source-orientation-rgb-color* (make-gpnt3d :x (/ 0 255) :y (/ 255 255) :z (/ 0 255)))
;; < Farbe der Koordinaten Systeme als Quelle. Color of the coordinate systems as a source. ------------------------------------------------------------
;; > Groesse der Koordinaten Systeme als Quelle Size of the coordinate systems as a source. ------------------------------------------------------------
;; 20
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Coordinate-systems-as-source-orientation-size* 20)
;; < Groesse der Koordinaten Systeme als Quelle Size of the coordinate systems as a source. ------------------------------------------------------------
;; < Farbe und Groesse der Koordinaten Systeme. Color and size of the coordinates systems. *************************************************************
;; > Die Zeit in Sekunden nach der die Alarmbildanzeige automatisch geschlossen wird. The time in seconds after the alert window closes automatically.**
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Sd-display-alert-auto-close-time* 5)
;; < Die Zeit in Sekunden nach der die Alarmbildanzeige automatisch geschlossen wird. The time in seconds after the alert window closes automatically.**

;; > Art der Aktion: Platzieren, austauschen oder automatisch erkennen. Type of the action: Placing, exchanges or recognizes automatically. ************
;;(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Sd-dd-placing-or-exchanging-action-type* :only-placing)
;;(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Sd-dd-placing-or-exchanging-action-type* :only-exchanging)
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Sd-dd-placing-or-exchanging-action-type* :recognizing-automatically)
;; < Art der Aktion: Platzieren, austauschen oder automatisch erkennen. Type of the action: Placing, exchanges or recognizes automatically. ************
;; > Austausch Aktion: Beim jeden einzelnen Schritt oder alles auf Einmal. Exchange action: At this every single step or everything suddenly. **********
;;(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Sd-dd-placing-or-exchanging-action-single-or-all-step* :single-step)
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Sd-dd-placing-or-exchanging-action-single-or-all-step* :all-step)
;; < Austausch Aktion: Beim jeden einzelnen Schritt oder alles auf Einmal. Exchange action: At this every single step or everything suddenly. **********
;; > Austausch Aktion: Quelle loeschen nach OK Aktion. Exchange action: Source delete after OK action. *************************************************
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Sd-dd-placing-or-exchanging-source-delete-after-OK-action* NIL)
;; < Austausch Aktion: Quelle loeschen nach OK Aktion. Exchange action: Source delete after OK action. *************************************************


3.2. Bibliothek Definition

 Hier können kundeneigene Bibliotheken definiert werden:

 - Bibliothek Bezeichnung: Library ID

 - Einfügepunkt (Einbaupunkt)

 - Die Ausrichtung im Raum: Richtungen W, U, V




(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Library-ID_Customer-1* "KNO")
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-IP---_Customer-1* (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 0))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-W_Customer-1* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 1)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-U_Customer-1* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 1 :y 0 :z 0)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-V_Customer-1* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 1 :z 0)))

(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Library-ID_Customer-2* "")
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-IP---_Customer-2* (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 0))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-W_Customer-2* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 1)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-U_Customer-2* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 1 :y 0 :z 0)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-V_Customer-2* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 1 :z 0)))

(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Library-ID_Customer-3* "")
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-IP---_Customer-3* (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 0))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-W_Customer-3* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 1)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-U_Customer-3* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 1 :y 0 :z 0)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-V_Customer-3* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 1 :z 0)))

(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Library-ID_Customer-4* "")
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-IP---_Customer-4* (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 0))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-W_Customer-4* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 1)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-U_Customer-4* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 1 :y 0 :z 0)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-V_Customer-4* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 1 :z 0)))

(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Library-ID_Customer-5* "")
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-IP---_Customer-5* (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 0))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-W_Customer-5* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 1)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-U_Customer-5* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 1 :y 0 :z 0)))
(setq *PEN_PlacExch_Reference-objekt-dir-V_Customer-5* (sd-vec-normalize (make-gpnt3d :x 0 :y 1 :z 0)))